Civil Aviation

The Department of Civil Aviation is responsible for economic regulation of air transport, formulation and review of aviation policies, negotiation and review of bilateral air services with other sovereign states, administration of international aviation through licensing of international air services, administration of aviation security and air transport facilitation, identification of capital projects for construction of new government airports and maintenance of those already existing, provides support services to the Air Transport Licensing Board (ATLB).  The department also monitors the compliance of civil aviation agencies and air operators of various international air conventions and agreements, pursuant to the Articles and Annexes of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Conventions 1944.  Administer Fiji’s obligation as a member of the ICAO General Assembly.  Coordinate the formulation of new Aviation Acts and Regulations as well as review existing legislations.   The Department administers the Civil Aviation Act Cap 174, Civil Aviation (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations, 1979, Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji Act 1979, Civil Aviation Security Act 1994, Civil Aviation Reform Act 1999 and Civil Aviation Security (Amendment) Act 2000.

The following Acts that regulate the conduct of civil aviation in Fiji:

The Civil Aviation Act, Cap.174, 1976.

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Fiji Islands, Act, Cap 174A, 1979.

The Civil Aviation (Security) Act, 1994.

The Civil Aviation (Reform) Act, 1999.

Aviation Policy – Second Edition May 2024